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PAC September Meeting Minutes

CSS PAC Meeting Minutes: September 11, 2023
Executive Summary
Call to Order: 7:03
In Attendance: Principal Mark S, Chair Shannon G, Secretary Liana L, Community Schools Lia
L, Treasurer Vanda K, Kate H, Jenny M, Patty, Corrina A, Lori, Kirsten B, Ashley,
Regrets: Kundi, Liz
Accept Agenda: Moved – Liana Second- Kate
Accept Minutes from 2023: Moved – Vanda Second – Corrina
Chair: Nominations: Shannon and Corrina > Motion to accept as co-chairs- Liana
Treasurer Nominations: Vanda K > Motion to accept- Corrina Seconded- Kate elected
Secretary Nominations: Liana L and Jenny M > Motion to accept- Vanda Second Lori elected
DPAC: Nominations: Liz Motion to accept > Corrina Seconded- Kate
Hot Lunch Coordinator: Nominations: Kundi J > Motion to accept> Kate Second- Lori
Hot Lunch Lead: open
All positions were elected by all-in-favor
Treasurer’s Report:
Gaming account balance: -$79.47
General account balance: $32 501
Accept treasurer’s report as presented: moved- Lori Second-Corrina
Draft Budget:
Discussion about bursaries lead to the following:
4 to CSS grads and 1 to a SCAS grad who has a connection to CSS
1 additional bursary to a graduating indigenous student for a total of 6 bursaries in the amount
of $500 each Motion- Kate Seconded – Lori
Motion to increase staff appreciation budge to $1750 Moved- Corrina Seconded- Vanda
Motion to keep PAC Volunteer Appreciation as is Moved- Lori Seconded- Corrina
Motion to keep Emergency contingency as is Moved-Lori Seconded- Vanda
Motion to increase contingency kitchen repair amount by $1000 Moved- Vanda Seconded- Lori
Motion to keep Winter talent show budget as is Moved- Kate Seconded- Vanda
Motion to increase Amazing race budget by $500 Moved- Kate Seconded- Vanda
Motion to increase Grade 7 transition by $300 Moved- Corrina Seconded- Lori
Motion to keep Grad budget as is Moved- Vanda Seconded- Kate
Addiction support group no increase
All motions voted in by all-in-favour
Trustee Report: no report
Principal’s Report:
● Funding for school is site based. Government provides the funds, then administration
decides with consultations and after 1701s (numbers of students and students with
designations) how to allocate the funds.
● New SD 46 strategic plan is in the works. Continued focus on core values at CSS
● Core Values cards can be won by students to use for hot lunch
● We are seeing a great shift with students being more engaged and a part of that being
the cell phone policy
● FLEX will be available for students to connect with a teacher or catch up on homework
Community schools report:
Lia L and Wendy W are the community schools coordinators for CSS and HMB schools,
respectively. Almost all SD46 schools are community schools. Lia thinks of herself as a part of
the culture of care at CSS. She supports in areas such as: special events, like Grade 8 day and
Grade 7 Transition day; food for any students in the building who are in need, whether it is daily
or occasional, including applying for grants to fund food in our schools, as well as the BC Fruit
and Veggie program; and substance awareness programs.
Grad Lead Report: no report
DPAC Report: no report
Next meeting Thursday September 28th 7pm at Elphinstone Secondary
Hot Lunch Report:
Hot lunch starting Tuesday September 12
Entrees, as well as some grab and go items are available. Chatelech-To-Go app and the
SWAAG show what is for lunch each day
New Business:
Hot lunch lead volunteer is needed
Indigenous family lead volunteer is needed
Call out for funding requests has gone out to teachers, sports teams, and groups.
Status of gaming grant- Vanda will be applying
Adjourned: 8:36
Next meeting TBA @ 7pm CSS Library

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