Our Staff
Classroom Teachers
Name | Subject Area | Ms. A. Allen | Food Studies 8-12 | aallen@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. G. Aube | Shine On | gaube@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. R. Biel | Inclusion Support Teacher, Shashishalhem 8, Prodigy 8 | rbiel@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. R. Campanella | Math 8-10, Inquiry 9 | rcampanella@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. Q. Campbell | Math 8-9, Pre-Calculus 11-12, Calculus 12 (Mr. Campbell's Website) | qcampbell@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. Y. Cayrey | Francophone | ycayrey@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. S. Curling | Inclusion Support Counsellor | scurling@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. S. Douglas | Drama 8-12 | sdouglas@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. R. Erichson | English 9, Social Studies 10, New Media 10, EFP 12, Genocide 12 | rerichson@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Fawcus | Capstone 8, Social Studies 8 - 9 | jfawcus@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. F. Foran | English 8, Inquiry 9, Shashishalhem 11-12, EFP New Media 11 | fforan@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Forst | French 8, 10-11, Band 8, Concert Band | jforst@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. A. Gasson | Inclusion Support Teacher, Shashishalhem 8-9, Prodigy 8 | agasson@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. R. Hannem | PE 8, PE 10, Athletic Development 9, English 8-9 | rhannem@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. K. Heidebrecht | PE 8-10 | kheidebrecht@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. B. Jasch | Art 9, Art Studio, Science 9 | bjasch@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Kelly | Science 8, Science 10, Math 8, Math 10, Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 11 | mkelly@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. A. Kennelly | English 9, Drama 9, EFP 11, EXP Social Studies 11, Physical Geography 12, Law 12 | akennelly@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Kline | Francophone | mkline@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. C. Kudaba | Sustainability 8, Leadership 10, Social Studies 10, BC First Peoples12, Social Justice 12 | ckudaba@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. A. Legault | English 9, Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10, Literary Studies 10, EFP Literary Studies and New Media 11, English Studies 12, Entrepreneurship 12 | alegault@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Mani | Outdoor Education 11-12, Physical and Health Education 10, Athletic Leadership 10-12 | jmani@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Marsh | Science 9, Forensics 9, Textiles 9-12, Life Sciences 11, Anatomy and Physiology 12 | mmarsh@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. B. Masich | Automotive Technology 11-12, Metalwork 9, 11-12, Power Technology 10, Train in Trades | bmasich@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. P. McConnell | Math 8, Science 9-10, Physics 11-12 | pmcconnell@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. G Michaeli | Woodwork 8, 10-12, Metalwork 10-12 | gmichaeli@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. M. Mocellin | French 8-12, PE 9 | mmocellin@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. S. Morton | Social Studies 8, English 8-9, Coastal Explorations 9, Psychology 12, Philosophy 12, History 12 | smorton@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. C. Neufeld | Shine On | cneufeld@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Powell | Woodwork 9-12, Coastal Exploration 9, Workplace Math 10, Train in Trades | jpowell@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Quinn | Shine On | mquinn@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. O. Rechlin | Science 8, Chemistry 11-12, Leadership 11 | orechlin@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. R. Schumann | Fitness 9, Fitness and Conditioning 11-12, PE 8-10 | rschumann@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. U. Sharma | Land Based Learning 8, Visual Arts 8, Careers 10, CLC 12, Photography 12 | usharma@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. F. Varty-MacDonald | Science 8-10, Explorations 9 , Math 9, Foundations Math 11 | fvartymacdonald@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. D. Vogel | Creative Writing 10, Social Studies 9 | dvogel@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. J. Wang | Science 8-10, Cultural Connections 8, Pre-Calc 10 | jwang@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. Marial Yglesias | Textiles 8, Yoga and Mindfulness 9, Spanish 9-11 | myglesias@sd46.bc.ca |
Support Teachers
Name | Role | |
Ms. S. Curling | Counsellor | scurling@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. T. Pierce | Counsellor Grade 8-11 Surnames M-Z | tpierce@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Roberts | Counsellor Grade 8-11 Surnames A-L | mroberts@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. S. Smith | Counsellor Grade 12 | ssmith@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. L. Allen | Indigenous Support Teacher | lallen@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. T. Saigeon | Indigenous Support Teacher | tsaigeon@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. P. Fauchon | Lab Assistant | pfauchon@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. N. Sharkey | Librarian | nsharkey@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. D. Wood | ELL Support Teacher | dwood@sd46.bc.ca |
Support Staff
Name | Role |
Mr. T. Rajarethnam (aka Raj) | Care Worker |
Ms. U. Dornbierer | Education Assistant |
Ms. J. Fehlhaber | Education Assistant |
Ms. C. Harkness | Education Assistant |
Ms. B. Huesdon | Education Assistant |
Ms. B. Klikach | Education Assistant |
Ms. S. Mackenzie | Education Assistant |
Ms. B. McDonell | Education Assistant |
Ms. L. Quinn-Young | Education Assistant |
Mr. N. Beck | Education Assistant, Shine On |
Ms. L. Leskie | Education Assistant, Shine On |
Ms. T. Nason | Education Assistant, Shine On |
Mr. D. Dixon | Indigenous Support Worker |
Ms. K. Dixon | Indigenous Support Worker |
Ms. M. Dixon | Indigenous Support Worker |
Ms. L. Lindhagen | Community School Coordinator |
Office Staff
Name | Role | |
Mr. M. Sauer | Principal | msauer@sd46.bc.ca |
Mrs. M. Chamberlin | Vice Principal | mchamberlin@sd46.bc.ca |
Mrs. L. Arduin | Administration Assistant | larduin@sd46.bc.ca |
Mrs. L. Demeter | Student Records | ldemeter@sd46.bc.ca |
Mrs. E. Bachand | Office Assistant | ebachand@sd46.bc.ca |
Custodial Staff
Name | Role | |
Ms. S. Hermanson | Custodian | shermanson@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. M. Monteith | Custodian | mmonteith@sd46.bc.ca |
Mr. T. Ogawa | Custodian | togawa@sd46.bc.ca |
Ms. M. Simpkins | Custodian | msimpkins@sd46.bc.ca |