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Morning Announcements Wednesday Sept 15

7iy te Kwiy Kwiy – (Pronounced E2 Kwee Kwee)

Morning Announcements for

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Hot Lunch

hot lunch will be begin on Friday.  There will be hotdogs, chips, brownies and drinks available for purchase


Need a quick Breakfast? There is instant oatmeal, tea and fruit in the Foyer in the mornings. And if you do not have a lunch, please see Ms Lindhagen in room 127 at the Lunch Break to get a sandwich and snack. 

Grade 10-12 students interested in a career path in the medical field and interested in gaining school credits and hands on experience please come to a quick meeting today at the beginning of lunch in Ms Liddicoat’s classroom.

Any grade 12’s interested in doing the announcements please Matea Bellavance to put your name on the list.

Student Vote Canada coming to schools nation wide on Monday September 20th.  Cast your ballot for the official candidates running in our riding in the federal election.  The polling station in the library will be open from 8:30am to 3:30pm

Weekly Eco Tip: Only food, including meat and, napkins, paper bags/plates go in the compost. Worms don’t eat plastic! Please don’t contaminate future soil.

Club Meetings today

musical theatre meeting Friday from 3:45-6pm


Girls Volleyball – Gr 10-12 today at 3:30

Any students interested in Cross Country Running- Please attend an important but short meeting at FLEX in room 105 on Friday.

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