Student Code of Conduct
Statement of Purpose
The Chatelech Code of Conduct is designed to establish and maintain
• safe, caring and orderly environments for purposeful learning and,
• appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, responsibilities and freedoms
The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for student behaviour while at school, while going to and from school and while attending any school function or activity at any location. The Code of Conduct is based on the Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, and Integrity.
Acceptable conduct:
• act with respect and dignity toward others;
• act with respect toward our school and our community;
• treat others how you would like to be treated, and
• solve conflict in a peaceful manner.
Unacceptable conduct:
• interfering with the learning of others (e.g. creating disruptions, etc.)
• interfering with an orderly environment (e.g. disrespect, rudeness, cheating, chronic lateness, etc.)
• creating unsafe conditions (e.g. play fighting, etc.)
• no discrimination on the basis of gender expression, gender identity or sexual orientation (Bill 27, Human Rights Code Amendment Act, 2016)
• acts of bullying, discrimination, harassment (verbal, physical, and sexual) or intimidation
• violence (physical and verbal, including harsh language)
• retribution against a person who has reported incidents
• illegal acts, such as:
• possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
• possession or use of weapons
• theft of or damage to property
Rising Expectations:
Chatelech students are expected to grow in their capacity for
• personal responsibility and self-discipline
• acceptance of increasing consequences for inappropriate behaviour.
All people make mistakes and all of us are expected to learn from and grow beyond our misconduct and mistakes. The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age, maturity and special needs of students are considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action.
Wherever possible, disciplinary action is preventative and restorative, rather than merely punitive. The following serve as some examples of disciplinary actions:
• after-school or lunch hour detention
• in-school or out-of-school suspension
• time out (i.e. time is provided for all parties involved to calm down, gather all relevant information or arrange necessary meetings)
• restorative justice circles led by trained community facilitators
Schools have a responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct as follows:
• parents of students offender(s)
• parents of student victim(s)
• school district officials as district policy
• police and/or other agencies as required by law
• all parents when it is deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are taking appropriate action to address it.
The following descriptors serve to describe important terms in the Code of Conduct:
We define harassment as unwanted and unwelcome behaviour that, in the perception of the person being harassed, interferes with his or her life. Intimidation, threats, and coercion are examples of harassment.
The BC Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination. Racism is a specific type of discrimination. At Chatelech, students and staff from many different cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds are working together. Discriminatory and particularly racist attitudes or behaviours will not be accepted.
Grabbing other people or their clothing; making noises, remarks, looks, or gestures; writing inappropriate notes to or about a person (including online bullying); spreading rumours are all examples of actions that can be perceived as bullying. Individuals who harass, bully or promote racism violate our expectations for behaviour.
Situations should be reported to administration, counselling or teaching staff. School programs, such as HACE, are intended to raise the level of awareness about harassment in all of its forms and thus, help to eliminate it. However, students should be aware that such behaviours will not be tolerated and are subject to the disciplinary procedures outlined in the following section.
Cheating is considered to be a serious action requiring significant consequences. A student discovered to be cheating will be expected to write another exam or comparable assignment at an alternate time convenient to the teacher to demonstrate their learning. Discipline of the cheating behaviour will be determined by the teacher and/or administration. Repeated incidents of cheating by a student may result in s/he being withdrawn from the course. Teachers are encouraged to speak early in the school year to their classes about the problem of cheating.