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Our School

Chatelech secondary school

Chatelech Secondary School (CSS) is a community school located in Sechelt, British Columbia.

Programs: Anglophone and Francophone Educational programs.

2024-2025 Projected Staffing: 80 staff members at Chatelech – 3 Administrators, 49 teaching staff, 20 CUPE, 4 support staff and 4 Counselors

Enrollment: Currently the school population for 2024-2025 is 661 students.

Demographics: Our staff and students range from all areas across the Sunshine Coast. Our indigenous population currently encompasses 17% of our student body. We offer inclusive education.

Catchment Schools – West Sechelt, Halfmoon Bay, Kinnickinnick, Davis Bay, Ecole Pacifique, and Roberts Creek (students must submit a cross boundary request from RCE) – provide our school with a rich blend of diverse learners reflecting the communities from which they reside.

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